Sunday, May 17, 2020

Announcing My 90-Day Get Unstuck GROUP Coaching Program

Announcing My 90-Day Get Unstuck GROUP Coaching Program Have you heard yet?  Since the demand for my get unstuck individual coaching program has increased this summer, my first Get Your Career Unstuck GROUP coaching program is starting Thursday, August 1st!  If you want to find work that makes you happy and have a life that you LOVE, then now is the time to join us!  This program has two options, group or self-study, which are more affordable than my individual coaching rates so you really have  no excuse  for  not getting out of your career rut RIGHT NOW! ?? Click here to get the scoop on the program now. My 90-day group coaching program is perfect for you if: You no longer want to be stuck in a job you hate that isn’t going anywhere You are no longer learning, growing or challenged in your career You are definitely not where you thought you would be and you aren’t living the life that you want You aren’t happy or fulfilled in your career and you have a serious case of the dreaded Mondays You have no idea how to make a career transition but you know you need to do something ASAP You submit your resume to jobs over and over again but are not getting the responses you want or need You feel like you are wasting your life away in a job you hate and you are frustrated, disappointed, overwhelmed and bored In this program, I will teach you my 7-STEP Get Your Career Unstuck and Love Your Life System with weekly coaching videos, worksheets, success guides, a personality assessment and live group access calls with me three times a month (if you purchase the Get Unstuck Access option). I will walk you through my Get Unstuck system so that you can figure out your dream job and then get that job.  In addition to my 7-step get unstuck system, we will cover networking strategies, mindset, career targets, LinkedIn, resumes and cover letters, interviews and much more in this brand new course starting August 1st! Click here to learn more and join us today! I hope I get to help you get unstuck in the next 90 days! I am limiting the number of people in the course so sign up soon to reserve your spot! FAQs Here are some  answers to questions I have received about the group programs: When will you run your course again? I really dont know. What I do know is that I love teaching people how to get their careers unstuck so I probably will offer a course again in the future but I cant guarantee when.  In the past, I have launched my group get unstuck courses on an annual basis. (Another reason, you probably want to jump on board ASAP!) Why 90 days? 3 months is the sweet spot where I see my clients making big moves in their careers. The first month includes a lot of self-reflection that most job searchers miss. Not only do I want you to find a job, I want you to find the job that is the BEST fit for you.  No more repeating the cycle of jumping from job to job that you hate!  My goal is to get you out of that cycle and into a long-term career that you LOVE! What makes your coaching program different? I have been in your shoes and I know what it is like to be stuck in a job you hate. It sucks.  I created a system based on my own experiences getting myself unstuck and into a career I love and now I want to teach it to you.  I also like systems and organization.  Many job searchers are not focused and are wasting so much time submitting resumes to jobs they dont even want. My 90-day program is a step-by-step program designed to give you absolutely everything you need to make a career change so that you can be happy, fulfilled and empowered, with minimal time involved. To be honest, I really have no idea what other coaches are offering. All I know is that my clients repeatedly get results with my system and I have never had one complaint.  Here is the kind of feedback that I hear from clients: “Your course helped me get a job at the firm I wanted. 90 days as of October 5th. Thank you again! “I have never encountered someone so encouraging, positive, and willing to help others.  I absolutely loved the Get Unstuck course! The course truly got me ‘unstuck’ and out of my rut- thanks to Anna I’m more confident and taking steps to achieve my career dreams. I cannot recommend her coaching highly enough! How much time per week will this take? The more you put in, the more you get out. I would recommend putting in at least 1 hour per week going through the worksheets and videos and another hour actually taking action with the job search strategies that I will teach you. What type of person is right for this program? I have coached all levels of professionals and students to find careers they love with my 7-Step Get Unstuck System.  I have coached recent graduates, college students, young professionals, mid-level professionals, executives and unemployed stay at home mothers.  My system is for everyone.  Honestly, I think it should be a required course for every college graduate because of how much my clients learn about themselves, gain confidence and clear direction for their futures. Which option is right for me? Option 1 is a self-study option ($67/month) designed to give you all the information you need to make a successful career transition at a very affordable rate.  This is for people who are good at setting goals and completing them and want to be on their own schedule. This is also for people who dont want the direct access to Anna and who want to learn on their own. It includes weekly videos, worksheets and a personality assessment. Option 2 is the access option ($150/month) which includes the same videos, worksheets and personality assessment as option 1 plus three live group access calls per month with Anna to ask your questions and get feedback along your get unstuck journey.  If you choose this option, you will also get access to the online forum where you can get your questions answered by Anna and the community quickly when you need it. This option is for people who need someone to keep them accountable to make sure they do the work to reach their career goals. Click here to learn more and join us today! P.S. I thought about waiting until fall to launch this 90-day course but then I was like why not now!! Thats exactly what I want you to ask yourself right now too! Why not now!? Join us now here!

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