Monday, December 30, 2019

Millennials dont give to charity often but when they do it is a lot of money

Millennials dont give to charity often but when they do it is a lot of moneyMillennials dont give to charity often but when they do it is a lot of moneyAre Millennials really the most self-obsessed generation? It seems not, according to two Princeton researchers who examined charitable donations and analyzed how Millennials philanthropy stacked up against earlier generations. Their preliminary findings were published in the American Behavioral Scientistunder the title,Are Millennials Really So Selfish? by researchers Harvey Rosen, John L. Weinberg Professor of Economics and Business Policy Emeritus at Princeton University, and recent Princeton graduate Peter Koczanski.My colleague and I are both interested in the economics of altruism, said study author Harvey S. Rosen told PsyPost. The altruistic behavior of the Millennials (or lack thereof) has received a lot of attention, and we were struck by how little careful statistical work has been done to back of various assertations by pun dits and others. We knew of a dataset that might be useful in investigating this question, so we decided to see what we could learn from it.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraThe researchers examined Philanthropy Panel Study, which included information about the philanthropic behavior of nearly 15,000 U.S. households for every other year from 2001 to 2015. Researchers analyzed information from that dataset for the study.The researchers found that after controlling for a number of factors, Millennials gave charitable gifts slightly less often. However, all things being equal, it was discovered that when they did give, they were more likely to donate more sometimes up to 16% more.What we found is that if you take into account a whole bunch of variables that influence giving such as income, wealth, ethnicity and so on then the likelihood that a Millennial makes a gift is someone l ower than the preceding generations, said Rosen on the Fresh Research Podcast. But if you look at just the people who make a gift, the amount of the Millennial give tends to be more than their predecessor generations.No word yet on whether contributing to their friends Kickstarters count as charitable giving.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Open Source vs. Public Domain Software Applications

Open Source vs. Public Domain Software ApplicationsOpen Source vs. Public Domain Software ApplicationsOpen source software allows users to access and alter the source code of the program itself. The source code is basically a list of commands that dictate how the program executes. Some open source applications have restrictions on their use and distribution, but many do not. Is There a Difference Between Open Source Applications and Public Domain? Open source applications are not under public domain, and this allows people to freely use their works. Public domain software typically does not allow access to source codes, although this is not always the case. Open source software does have copyrights. Sometimes the term open source is used interchangeably with public domain software, but theyre not the saatkorn thing. The Determining Factors Are Copyrights or Use Restrictions The key distinction between OS and public domain software is not whether the source code is accessible, but whether there are any licensing requirements or other restrictions on using the program, altering the source code, redistributing the program oron the copyright.If there are, it is open source, not public domain software. Open Source Initiative, a 501(c)(3) California-based nonprofit, offers a very detailed and legal definition of open source software, who can use it,and how. They also have a greatalphabetical listingof companies that offer open source software if you wish to investigate a particular company.OpenSource.orgis a great place to find out more about how you can develop, collaborate and use OS software. Other Important Distinctions OS software can be freely shared, used, and even changed by anyone. Its developed through the contributions of many and distributed under licenses that must comply with certain criteria for use. The license cannot discriminate against anyone. In other words, you cannot bar certain groups of people from using the software. It must allow for derived works. Examples Open source software comes in all shapes and sizes and can serve multiple purposes.Examples include LINUX, Apache, Firefox, KOffice, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, KOffice, and SquirrelMail. Firefox is a simple web browser, whereas LINUX is more complicated. Its a UNIX-based operating system. OpenOffice is an office suite offered by Apache. In the case of OpenOffice, you can download and install the program on pretty much any computer for free, even if you install it on multiple computers. Make copies and pfote them out to friends and family. There are no license fees. Use it as you would any other word processing, spreadsheet or database program. And if you have a problem such as that a bug pops up or if you think you can make it better, you can report it or just tweak the issue yourself. The program allows users to enhance it, according to Apache. Is It Safe? Anytime you allow access by multiple users, the issue of viruses arises. Proceed with cauti on and make sure you have a good anti-virus application in place when you access open source software.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Screen Candidates to Find the Elusive Needle in the Haystack

Screen Candidates to Find the Elusive Needle in the HaystackScreen Candidates to Find the Elusive Needle in the HaystackScreen Candidates to Find the Elusive Needle in the Haystack Mazzeo, Paul Oyer and Scott Schaefer, authors of Roadside MBA Back Road Lessons for Entrepreneurs, Executives and Small Business Owners (Business Plus, 2014)Screening candidates, whetherbei its reviewing rsums, conducting interviews, or checking references, is costly. Time spent interviewing candidates is time that a small business owner isnt spending on other essential activities.Hence, its important to minimize the cost of employee screening when possible, and also to balance the cost of screening against the benefit of making better hires.Recruit by Playing Hard to GetAt Southside Family Fun Center, Richard reduced the cost of screening by playing hard to get. That is, he set up small hurdles that an applicant must overcome in order to have his or her application receive consideration.Note first that Ri chard required applicants to apply in person. This might well be a hassle for applicants especially compared to an online job application process but this is precisely what Richard wants.To see why, imagine two potential job applicants one who knows that shes a good match for Richards job and stands a good gelegenheit of getting an offer, and another who doesnt care much for bowling or cleaning and figures hes a long shot to get an offer.The first applicant is needle, and Richard very much wants her to apply. The second, though, is just hay, and mora hay in the stack means more costly screening work to identify the good candidate from among a mass of rsums.Richard would prefer that the second simply not apply.Ask More of the ApplicantThe key to this logic is that job seekers compare cost and benefit when making decisions about what jobs to apply for. A person who has little chance of getting an offer wont bother with the hassle of applying. If, on the other hand, that same person thinks shes a great fit for this job, then the hassle cost probably wont deter her.A small hassle cost of applying deters hay more than it does needle and means that Richards overall pool of applicants is tilted a bit more toward better candidates. Note, however, that Richard still got 176 applications (likely attributable in part to the high local unemployment rate).How could he work through this pile of paper efficiently? Richard described his next step We put right on the ad Bring a pen, and the first five through the door didnt have a pen. So I just said, How do you expect to get a job when you dont pay attention to the rules? People just scattered. At the end of the day, there werent but five that we were interested in talking to.How to Play Hard to GetSurely Richard had pens sitting around the bowling alley back office this is not about the pens. Instead, Richard is putting up a second hurdle. To receive serious consideration, an applicant had to read the ad carefully enough t o know to bring a pen. Again, this is precisely the sort of small cost that will tilt the pool in a favorable direction.The applicants who think they are a good match for the job will be more fastidious in reading instructions than those who think they are a long shot. The play-hard-to-get strategy works by giving serious applicants the opportunity to separate themselves from the rest by incurring small costs that demonstrate their belief that theyre credible candidates.By playing hard to get, Richard was able to reduce his pool to a manageable five, and it was this group that received a full rsum review, interview, and reference check.Its often counterintuitive to managers when we encourage them to play hard to get. If Im serious about hiring, people wonder, then why would I want to discourage applications? The answer is that its always good to deter applications from bad matches the last thing you want is a bigger haystack when what you need is that one elusive needle.And while Ri chards hiring problem was indeed difficult, he did catch one break We had a few people come in that day wearing pajamas, he said, shaking his head and laughing. None of these individuals made the second round.Excerpted from the book ROADSIDE MBA by Michael Mazzeo, Paul Oyer, and Scott Schaeffer. 2014 by Michael Mazzeo, Paul Oyer, and Scott Schaeffer. Reprinted by permission of Business Plus. All rights reserved.Author BiosMichael Mazzeo is an associate prof of management and strategy at Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management.Paul Oyer is a professor of economics at Stanford Universitys Graduate School of Business. Scott Schaefer is a professor of finance at the University of Utahs David Eccles School of Business. More at Roadside-MBA.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

This is why meetings wreck productivity

This is why meetings wreck productivityThis is why meetings wreck productivityMeetings are time killers and are often used in large companies by managers to make themselves look busy. In big companies, communicating that work is being done is often more important than actually doing any real work.This should have been an emailFirst, most meetings are completely unnecessary, and many could be replaced with an email. Ive worked in several Fortune 500 companies and at least half of the work hours were consumed by an endless parade of meetings rather than actually getting work done. While working for a large bank, I had over 36 hours of meetings scheduled in a single week. ( I welches actually booked for 44 hours, but was double or triple booked for a few).To make things worse, most meetings are scheduled for an hour by default, even if the agenda (if there even is one) could be handled in 20 minutes. This encourages a lot of time wasters during the meeting and removes any sense of urgen cy to move things along.You could be doing something elseThen there is the opportunity cost of the meeting itself. If you are in a meeting for an hour, that means you arent doing something more productive - like actual work. Most people have become pretty good at multitasking during meetings and keeping up on email, but that means they are only half paying attention, so whats the point?Start/StopBut the ultimate productivity killer is the constant start/stop in during the day that keeps you from any deep work. Imagine for a moment that you have 4 one-hour meetings scheduled in a day, and 4 hours of actual work to accomplish. However the meetings arent scheduled in a single back to back 4 hour block, but are scheduled every other hour 9am, 11am, 2pm, and 4pm all in different areas of the building. Every other hour youll need 10 minutes to get to and from each meeting, including packing up your laptop, grabbing your phone, maybe stopping at the bathroom or refilling coffee. Then when you get back to your desk it takes you a few minutes to get refocused, launch your applications and dig into your work which you can do for about 30 minutes until you have to leave for another meeting.The best case in this scenario is that you will have four 30 minute blocks of time to get any real work done, which is exactly what happens at most large organizations - most everyone in a large meeting plagued organization only gets 2-3 hours of actual work accomplished in a day.Anyone who actually wants to get work done has to show up at the office early to get an uninterrupted jump on the day and stay later to finish any work before they leave. That leads to 60 hour work weeks, which has been shown in itself to destroy productivity. Its a vicious cycle that sucks productivity out of an organization and energy out of its people.Bernie Klinder is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant. This article first appeared at Quora.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Prove that You#8217;re the Best

Prove that You8217re the Best Prove that You8217re the Best Its a fair question for which we should probably have a canned response. But instead, I think I said something like I dont know, how could I possibly prove that to you? I dont know his experiences with past companies. I dont know the kind of ROI that he expects or has gotten elsewhere. We have client testimonials, but these days, arent those assumed to be a paid-for commodity? How can I ever judge my own companys relative performance, especially since each clients needs are different?The rest of ur conversation was about the things that I do know our metrics, our results, our company philosophy, and about other interesting stuff. But what I refused to say is here is how and why were the best. Its not my job to judge other companies and people. Its the clients responsibility to gauge whether or not were the best relative to other companies.When I was in recruiting, a lot of potential clients would ask similar questions (dem ands), like Why would I want to work with you over ABC company?, What do you do differently than XYZ company?, or Prove to me that I should want to work with you over other recruiting firms. Its the type of question that no company should ever answer. Decisions are up to clients. When youre playing the vendor role, its up to you to talk about what you do well and demonstrate a past history supporting that success. Beyond that, the prove that youre the best question should really be turned to the client What does the best mean to you? What are looking for? What was good about working with your best vendor?I was reminded of this recent article on being a top recruiting firm. Why are we all obsessed with calling ourselves the top and best of anything? Arent we all as companies good at X, great at Y, not so good at C, and awful at D? But should we ever call ourselves the best? Would we ever want to be?I hope that as a company we can grow to be brutally honest with ourselves and our cli ents. Client relationships should be just that relationships. And good relationships are founded on a real understanding of who the other person is. In sales as in any good conversation, both people have to pay attention to the other and care. Were going to try to forget about being the best and focus on understanding ourselves and our clients.Ill let you know how that sale goes. Or doesnt go.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Insider Secret on Address on Resume Exposed

The Insider Secret on Address on Resume Exposed Also, share with them a copy of the resume youre submitting so they can be on precisely the same page if and once the hiring manager calls them up. By making certain that the data in your resume and deckblatt letters map to every work description, you will dramatically raise the number of responses and interview requests you get. Look to see whether the work post is linked to a particular individual and, if thats the case, address your cover letter greeting to her or him. Usually, a resume wont guarantee that you will receive in the door of a prospective employer, but nevertheless, it will prevent you from entering if bedrngnis well done. Using Address on Resume In case the text in the bullet isnt a comprehensive sentence it doesnt need a capital letter or a period. Rigorously proofreading your cover letter will present your great content a chance to shine. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward for mat. The commonplace PDF format remains an excellent approach to rapidly compile and publish electronic info. Address on Resume Explained Of course you are able to but this isnt the ideal approach to achieve your hiring manager. There are remote work opportunities too, but many jobs still require you to be located in or close to the true work location. Its simple to feel vulnerable when applying for employment, especially if you are aware that you have limited experience with a few of the skills the position requires. Maybe you are searching for a new job because youre sick of your boss, or perhaps you were let go because your role was not needed in the business anymore. With a telephone call youve got dialogue and yet another opportunity to offer your value. If your name, telephone number and e-mail address are at the peak of your resume for effortless contact, that will suffice. Some companies homepages include a form you may complete online and submit, which is a sort o f electronic resume. Customize your URL to create the text more meaningful, like a shortened version of your whole name. Sometimes job seekers get so caught up with attempting to discover the ideal approach to share their big ideas they neglect to pay close attention to the fine information. If youre applying to a position in another nation, learn what the resume expectations are for that nation. Giving future employers references on your resume is an excellent method to construct trust. Quite simply, you intend to relocate regardless of whether you get the work offer, and that may instill confidence. What Address on Resume Is - and What it Is Not You dont need to miss any critical calls. A typo in your telephone number or email address is more prevalent than you may think. If you have made the decision to include your address, there are a couple of ways you are able to go about doing it. Another reason you wish to depart from your street address off your resume is simpl e its simply not needed. You may rather not include your address when applying for positions you dont tend to remain in for very long. You are also able to get a telephone number with the neighborhood area code. Provided that employers arent inconvenienced on account of where you reside, your address wont be a problem. Although some employers may search for and use your address in a couple of various ways, its sensitive information that you ought to provide if and when you feel comfortable. Gossip, Lies and Address on Resume Without detailed contact info, or with incorrect contact info, employers wont have the ability to get in contact with you easily. When it has to do with writing an effective CV, every tiny detail is crucial, especially your own personal information listed at the peak of the document after all, its the very first item of information a prospective manager will see. Read below for tips about what to put in your contact section and where to place your contac t section. Contact information is the data you provide to assist the recruiters get in contact with you. The Address on Resume Cover Up You will need to make your qualifications stick out from the herd for recruiters to warrant the time and cost of considering a candidate outside their very own location. The tips below are an excellent collection of resume help for felons who are ready to begin all over again by locating a good job. In fact, lots of individuals dont have resumes and instead utilize online profiles. The exception could possibly be a high-level or niche position thats tough to fill, in which case hiring managers are somewhat more open to scouring different markets to discover qualified talent. Sometimes you need to speculate concerning what an employer might value. Employers need numbers to be in a position to completely evaluate the reach of your bandwidth, Nicolai states. They need to know what youve done to contribute to the growth of your department, t eam, and company to determine whether your strengths align with the needs and responsibilities of their company and the job opening, Nicolai says. They want to know that they can trust workers to handle a project down to the last detail. Type of Address on Resume Resume guidelines can fluctuate from industry to industry, therefore its recommended to get familiar with specific industry examples. In the event the HR asks for it, say that you arent comfortable giving it now unless they have got an offer in writing. Your own personal interest is in reading and youre asking for work at a library. You require a plan, a guide to help you in writing your resume. While resumes are usually pretty cut-and-dried documents, there are strategies to give hiring managers a better feeling of your nature and expertise without breaking a number of the standard resume guidelines, Augustine explains. To be able to type up a good resume you first need to understand the fundamental components a res ume is composed of.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Looking for a New Career Recruiting May Be Just What You Need

Looking for a New Career Recruiting May Be Just What You Need Youve been working in the same professional field all your adult life and now youre starting to wonder if this is really the career for you.Sure, in your earlier days, you found it quite rewarding. You were making a living and doing something you cared about, something that challenged you, something that filled you with a sense of purpose.But now its 5, 10, 15, or 20 years later, and the passion just isnt there anymore. You feel you may have peaked in this field. Youve accomplished everything you possibly could.You have a couple of options now Spend the rest of your career in a job that isnt terribly satisfying, or take a leap into a new career that offers all the challenges and rewards your old one used to provide.Personally, Id recommend you make the change. Lifes short. Theres no sense in spending it in a career that leaves you wanting.Not sure exactly what your new career should be? He res one you might one want consider independent recruiting.Interested in becoming a recruiter? Check out the Certification Program, a self-paced program designed to introduce people with no previous recruiting experience to the recruiting industry.Recruiting A Thriving Sector That Needs New TalentThe recruiting industry is thriving, seeing year over year revenue growth since 2008. In 2016 alone, the recruiting and staffing industry brought in $150 billion in sales.To maintain this pace, the recruiting industry is in constant need of new talent which means career-changers need elend worry about whether there is room for them in the field.Nor do you have to worry about getting stuck in an unfulfilling role that fails to utilize your full skill set. A recruiters job is to connect employers in need with candidates who can provide value. Recruiters are constantly using creative problem-solving skills to land new clients, advertise jobs, find candidates, and make matches. T heres never a dull moment.And recruiting comes with a load of other benefits, too1. Unlimited Earning PotentialAs a recruiter, you are paid for your results. That means the sky is the limit as far as your earning potential is concerned. The more work you put in, the more value you deliver, the higher your paycheck.2. Independent Work OptionsRecruiters are in a unique position Because they are paid based on performance, they have more control over their work arrangements. As a recruiter, you can work when you want, as little or as much as you want.Perhaps youre just itching to get out of your current career but not totally certain recruiting is the answer. You can try it on a part-time basis to start, making money while exploring other career options. Plus, the skills you learn and develop as a recruiter are transferable skills that can be applied to almost any other profession communication skills, problem-solving, negotiation, client relations, customer service, sales skills, marke ting skills, and more. No matter what you new career happens to be, your recruiting experience will help you stand out from even seasoned competitors in the talent market.Or you can make recruiting your full-time job which many people do. And why not? It gives you freedom, flexibility, and lots of earning power.3. Choose the Style of Recruiting That Is Right for YouAs a recruiter, you have options even beyond your schedule.Would you prefer to get on the phone to wheel and deal with clients all day? Then you can become a business development recruiter.Would you rather spend your time surfing social media, networking with people, and searching databases to find the perfect candidates for open roles? Then you can be a sourcing recruiter.Would you like to do a little of both? Become a full-desk recruiter.You can specialize even further by adopting a specific industry niche. Would you rather work with techies? Then recruit for clients in the tech industry. Is healthcare more interesting to you? Recruit for clients in the healthcare industry.As a recruiter, you can build a customized profession. Work on your time, in the industries youd like, for the people youd like.4. Short Ramp-Up TimeYou dont have to jump through many hoops to become a recruiter. You dont need to go back to school to earn a new degree or spend an extended period of time in training. After picking up just a few basic concepts and skills, you can get in the door and start earning.This is exactly what the Certification Program (RCP) is here for. Designed for people with no recruiting experience, the RCP teaches you everything you need to know about recruiting, from sourcing candidates to landing clients to filling roles. As an RCP graduate, youll be a more productive recruiter in less time which can translate easily to higher earnings, too.If you want freedom, flexibility, high earning potential, and some very marketable skills, a career in recruiting is the right move for you. Chec k out the Certification Program to get started today https//